Animal Well-being
The impact of routine piglet processing on well-being
March 31, 2006By Donald Lay Jr
The major finding of this research project is that any processing technique that can be carried out quickly and with minimal tissue damage is likely to be least stressful for the piglet. Alternative...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Pathogenic and Indicator Bacteria in Agricultural Watersheds
March 8, 2006By Thomas Moorman
Escherichia coli and Enterococcus are indicator bacteria that were measured in Iowa streams that drain land with different levels of swine production. We completed a study monitoring=g these bacteria...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Validation of a serological assay using an 18kd oocyst-specific protein from Toxoplasma gondii for differentiation of oocyst versus tissue cyst induced human infection
October 18, 2005By Dolores Hill
The ELISA assay developed in this study is both sensitive and specific for the detection of human antibody to Toxoplasma gondii infection initiated by consumption of infectious oocysts. The assay...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Use of molecular assays to assess Toxoplasma gondii burden in commercial meat samples
March 29, 2005By Joan K. Lunney
Preventing pork associated foodborne diseases is important to pork producers. Infection with the parasite, Toxoplasma gondii (Tg), is a known risk factor associated with pork consumption. Thus assays...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Cloning of an 18kd oocyst-specific protein from Toxoplasma gondii for serological detection of human infection
September 28, 2004By Dolores Hill
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Bioinformatics Based Genome Comparison of Six Salmonella spp. to Provide a Foundation for the Development of Reliable Molecular Epidemiological Methods.
August 3, 2004By Scot Dowd
Salmonella research is the top priority for the pig industry especially related to pre-harvest reduction of pathogens with potential public health significance. The pre-harvest food safety research...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Fecal-contaminant indicators in soils and water of a watershed producing swine and other livestock
June 17, 2004By Mark Tomer
This study reports on the presence of the bacterium E. coli in agricultural watersheds, which indicates fecal pollution. We examined its survival in soil and its transport in tile drainage and...
Swine Health - General Disease
Development of an Antiviral and Vaccine Approach to Control Foot-and-Mouth Disease
June 15, 2004By Marvin J. Grubman
Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes a highly contagious disease of cloven-hoofed animals including swine, cattle, sheep and goats. The economic impact of an FMD outbreak can be devastating as...
Environment - Air
Evaluation of the ammonia emissions from swine production units in Iowa
April 1, 2004By Jerry Hatfield|R. L. Pfeiffer
Ammonia concentrations in the air adjacent to and downwind of swine production units are of concern to producers. Most of the existing measurements have been conducted with single point monitors or...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Best Management Practice Research in a Watershed with Swine Production Facilities
June 30, 2003By Mark Tomer
This project has supported research in the South Fork of the Iowa River watershed, where swine and other livestock are being produced, and water resource concerns have been raised. These activities...