Environment - Water Usage / Conservation Archives - Pork Checkoff

Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
A Life Cycle Analysis of Water Use in U.S. Pork Production
The goal of this study was to analyze water use in the U.S. pork industry using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. LCAs are quantitative analyses of complex systems for the evaluation of...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Evaluating Nutrient (nitrogen and ortho-phosphate) Export with Subsurface Drainage Water from Spring Applied Swine Manure to Soybean Planted Micro-watersheds
The objective of this project is to evaluate the impact of spring applied swine manure for soybean crop on sub-surface drainage water quality from non-replicated micro-watersheds. To evaluate this...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Water Consumption and Conservation Techniques Currently Available for Swine Production
Water conservation is important in any industry and swine production is no exception. Many water conservation technologies and practices...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Pathogenic and Indicator Bacteria in Agricultural Watersheds
Escherichia coli and Enterococcus are indicator bacteria that were measured in Iowa streams that drain land with different levels of swine production. We completed a study monitoring=g these bacteria...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Water intake and wastage at nipple drinkers by growing-finishing pigs
Three experiments were conducted to assess water intake, water wastage, and a means to decrease water wastage by growing-finishing pigs from nipple drinkers. In Exp. 1, 48 pigs were studied during ...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Fecal-contaminant indicators in soils and water of a watershed producing swine and other livestock
This study reports on the presence of the bacterium E. coli in agricultural watersheds, which indicates fecal pollution. We examined its survival in soil and its transport in tile drainage and...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Nutrient and Pathogen losses to Tile Lines as Influenced by Source of N
Land application of swine manure on tile-drained soils has become a controversial issue in some swine producing areas because of uncertainties regarding the leaching of nitrates, phosphorus, and...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Best Management Practice Research in a Watershed with Swine Production Facilities
This project has supported research in the South Fork of the Iowa River watershed, where swine and other livestock are being produced, and water resource concerns have been raised. These activities...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
Phosphorus Level Loading by Swine Effluent in a Field Injected Laboratory to Examine River Basin and Watershed Water Quality in Surface Water Runoff and Tile Water Discharge
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