Animal Science - Breeding & Genetics
Identification of quantitative trait nucleotides (QTN) for pork tenderness.
June 15, 2009By Dan Nonneman
The identification of predictive DNA markers for pork quality would allow U.S. pork producers and breeders to more quickly and efficiently select genetically superior animals for production of...
Public Health - Other Zoonotic Diseases
Epidemiological survey to determine the prevalence of Clostridium difficile in swine in an integrated swine operation
May 26, 2009By Roger B. Harvey
In recent years, there has been increased incidence and severity of human disease associated with the bacterium Clostridium difficile (Cd). It appears that epidemic disease is being caused by newly...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
In vitro estimation and in vivo determination of metabolizable energy in corn co-products
May 21, 2009By Brian Kerr
Energetics will continue to be of great importance to the swine industry because energy contributes a significant expense to feed which contributes more than 60% of pig production costs. Changes in...
Animal Science
Understanding the relationship between immune response, intestinal microbial ecology and growth performance in nursery pigs fed diets with, or without in-feed antibiotics or a combination of beta-glucan and vitamin C
March 13, 2009By Marcos Rostagno
Weaning and the subsequent nursery phase represent a time of gastrointestinal and immune instability for the pig. This research project was developed to understand the effect(s) of two commonly used...
Animal Science - Swine Nutrition
Evaluation of crude glycerin in swine
January 22, 2009By Brian Kerr
The objective of the proposed research was to determine the variation in metabolizable energy (ME) content of crude glycerin samples from a several biodiesel production facilities using different...
Environment - Air
Field and Wind Tunnel Evaluation of Vegetative Buffers for Particulate Trapping and Odor Reduction Near Swine Production Facilities
January 14, 2009By Thomas J. Sauer
Growing number of swine operations have turned to natural buffers (also called shelterbelts or vegetative buffers) as part of their odor mitigation strategy. However, there is little to no data on...
Swine Health - PRRS
Implementation of a PRRSV Strain Database (Renewal of NPB project #06-127)
January 7, 2009By Kay S. Faaberg
The PRRSV strain database ( has been supported by the National Pork Board for four years. The database (PRRSVdb; 9,531 sequences) is...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Survival of North American Genotypes of Trichinella in Frozen Pork
July 16, 2008By Dolores Hill
We have examined the North American genotypes of Trichinella (T. spiralis (T-1), T. nativa (T-2), T. pseudospiralis (T-4), T. murrelli (T-5), and...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Enumeration of Salmonella throughout the Pork Harvesting Process
June 15, 2008By Michael Guerini
This project provides comprehensive information on the levels and prevalence of Salmonella on pork carcasses during processing to benchmark the effectiveness of in-plant interventions on Salmonella...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Toll-like receptor agonist administration for the prevention of Salmonella colonization of the swine gut
May 20, 2008By Kenneth Genovese
The main objectives of this research project were to determine if the oral administration of certain novel innate (“natural”) immune enhancers would protect piglets against Salmonella...