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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Identification of SNP Markers Associated with Number Born, Number Weaned and Weaning to Estrus Interval in Commercial First Parity Sows
The objective of this research was to identify genetic markers that would be predictive of first parity reproductive performance and rebreeding in an effort to improve the percentage of gilts...
Swine Health - PRRS
Sequencing, Cloning and Characterization of a 2007 Vietnam PRRSV isolate
Epidemics of severe swine disease, termed “Porcine High Fever Disease (PHFD)”, continue to be reported in...
Swine Health - General Disease
Identification of host factors interacting with classical swine fever virus proteins: development of novel anti-viral therapeutics
During the infection of a cell, a virus gets in contact with many host proteins. These interactions between virus and host factors enable the virus the successful production of progeny and progress...
Animal Science - Sow Lifetime Productivity
Effect of pregnant gilt zinc and lipid supplementation on neonatal piglet brain myelination and preweaning mortality
The effect of dietary supplementation of pregnant gilts with Gromega lipid supplement (JBSUnited feeds), zinc sulfate, or the two combined...
Public Health - Influenza
Genetic and antigenic characterization of 2008 H1 swine influenza viruses from the United States
Influenza A viruses can infect swine, humans, dogs, cats, horses, marine mammals, and many avian species. Influenza A viruses from all host species are classified into subtypes based on the...
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Comparative Evaluation of Rapid Methods for Salmonella Detection in Pork
The goal of this study was to develop a single-step assay which combined all of the steps of conventional culture of Salmonella into a single well of a 48-deep well microtiter plate. The second goal...
Environment - Air
Odor compound production, accumulation, and volatilization from swine manure
The objectives of this project were to determine the changes in odor compound content and composition of three swine manure storage systems over the course of a year characterize and compare the...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Does pre-slaughter transportation and lairage affect Salmonella enterica shedding prevalence and levels in market pigs?
This research was conducted with the objective of determining the effect of pre-slaughter transportation and lairage on Salmonella enterica shedding prevalence, shedding levels of total...
Environment - Air
Chemical Characterization of both particulates and gaseous emissions from impacted and non-impacted areas associated with swine feeding operations
Odorants in the air include both volatile organic and volatile sulfur compounds. Movement of these compounds from swine feeding operations to surrounding community is thought to occur either through...
Swine Health - PRRS
Identification of Type I Interferon Antagonists of PRRSV Viral Structural Proteins
PRRSV is an important swine pathogen and infections caused by this virus have not been efficiently controlled. This is in part due to the lack of knowledge about the insufficient swine immune...
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