Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Swine Manure Applications for Soybean Production – Environmental and Pathological Implications
April 11, 2008By Robert Mullen
Environmental concerns regarding the application of nitrogen containing manure to soybean fields have been raised recently across the Corn Belt. The concern is that because soybeans are leguminous...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Adding Value to Swine Manure Through Accurate Prediction of Organic Nitrogen Availability
March 20, 2008By Charles Wortmann
Swine slurry contains nitrogen primarily in organic and ammonium forms. Ammonium-N is immediately crop available following land application if not lost to volatilization which should be minimal if...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Manure-Phosphorus in Soil: Detection and Mobility of Phytate
June 5, 2007By Shiping Deng
Annual swine effluent application in western Oklahoma for 11 consecutive years did not lead to significant accumulation of soil phosphorus. Similar trend was shown in a century-old field experiment...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Influence of corn co-products on air emissions and nutrient excretionsfrom grow-finish swine
December 12, 2006By Wendy Powers
Corn co-products are an increasingly important alternative to corn in swine diets. While there has been some research to evaluate how these co-products affect pig performance, the effect on air...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Evaluation of the effects of diet formulation method and inclusion of DDGS and phytase on manure phosphorus excretion of grow-finish pigs and on the concentration and forms of P in manure amended soil
July 20, 2006By G.C. Shurson
• Formulating diets with phytase reduces the concentration of total P in the manure compared to a conventional diet by as much as 30%. • Using DDGS in the diet results in no significant...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Free fatty acids and sterols in swine manure
January 1, 2006By Loughrin
Free fatty acids and sterols were assessed in fresh manure and anaerobic lagoon sludge from swine production facilities in North Carolina. Eight free fatty acids and five sterols were identified and...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Disposal of Swine Lagoon Sludge with Nutrient Recovery
December 21, 2005By M. Todd See
Gasification offers many advantages for processing undesirable waste materials. Tests on gasifier emissions reveal very low levels of NOx, SOx and volatile organic carbons in the flue gas, well...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Disposal of Swine Lagoon Sludge with Nutrient Recovery
December 21, 2005By Dr. M. Todd See
Sludge accumulation in lagoons reduces their treatment efficiency over time
and, ultimately, may cause the decommissioning of the lagoon. Gasification is an ideal
technology for sludge disposal since...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Utilization of Crystalline Amino Acids by the Gut in Growing Pigs
November 1, 2004By Nathalie L. Trottier
Conventional diets containing corn and soybean meal fed to growing pigs can be reduced in protein when a portion of the protein can be replaced by crystalline amino acids. These amino acids allow the...
Environment - Manure Storage / Application
Establishing Effects of application of Swine Manure on Crop Leaf Damage to Growing Crops
January 12, 2004By Charles Shapiro
The use of irrigation systems to apply swine effluent and liquids from storage and holding ponds is a popular application method due to the labor savings, large volumes of liquid, and when applied...