Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
National Prevalence of Salmonella Contamination in Retail Ground Pork
September 9, 2014By Thomas Wittum
Salmonella is a foodborne pathogen that may be associated with meat products. The goal of this project was to determine the prevalence of Salmonella in ground pork at retail, and to evaluate...
Propagation of PEDv in tissue culture and development of standardized reference samples for use in diagnostic testing
May 19, 2014By Qiuhong Wang
The highly contagious and deadly porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus (PEDv) was first discovered in the US in April-May 2013. Since then the virus has spread rapidly nationwide causing high...
Bioassay for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus contaminated feed
March 12, 2014By Andrew Bowman
Within the past year, Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) has emerged as a significant swine disease in the United States. This coronavirus continues to spread within the U.S. swine herd...
Swine Health - General Disease
Development of novel mucosal vaccines against swine influenza in pigs
January 6, 2014By Mahesh Khatri
Swine influenza is a highly contagious acute respiratory viral disease of swine. The causative agent swine influenza virus (SIV) has been widely prevalent in the US swineherds. Control of influenza...
Swine Health - General Disease
A modified-live prototype vaccine for PCV-2 in swine
July 1, 2011By Steven Krakowka
1. The overall goal of this project is to test the hypothesis that, “The critical virulence determinant of swine-virulent PCV2 resides in a linear 3-4 amino acid region in the center of...
Animal Well-being
Development of Computer Template(s) to Economically Assess Alternatives to Individual Housing of Gestating sows
March 22, 2004By Donald G. Levis PhD
The most widely used method of housing gestating sows in the United States is individual gestation stalls. However, the United States pork industry is undergoing pressure to eliminate the use of...
Public Health - Antibiotics & Resistance
Effects of a commercial probiotic supplement on intestinal E. coli and growth in the weaned pig
February 28, 2004By Jeffery T. LeJeune
There are many products on the market sold as probiotics with label claims to enhance growth and production. Regulations governing the licensure, sale, and addition of these products to animal feeds...
Pork Safety - Pre-Harvest
Validation of a diagnostic test to identify Salmonella enterica in swine: Preliminary comparison of fecal culture and serum antibody detection
July 15, 2002By Julie Funk
Swine Health - General Disease
Immunosuppression, PCV-2 Infection and PMWS
June 21, 2002By Steven Krakowka
Environment - Air
Evaluation of dust and pathogens in air exhausted from swine facilities
August 31, 2001By Gary L. Bowman DVM