Pork Quality
Pork Muscle Profiling Study
December 16, 2003By Dennis Buege
Traditionally muscles of the shoulder and ham have been marketed in groups as part of commodity primals (Boston shoulder, picnic shoulder, and ham). However, merchandising is evolving such that these...
Pork Quality
Identification and Traceability for the Pork Industry – A Proposal for a Feasibility Study
November 13, 2003By Randall Geiger
Modern electronics and computer technology can be used to provide traceability in the U.S. pork chain from the retail counter back to the original animal in the farrowing house but the costs...
Pork Quality
Infrared Thermography of Market Hogs as a Predictor of Pork Quality
October 17, 2003By Michael Dikeman
Infrared thermography is a non-invasive, rapid technique capable of detecting pigs with warmer and/or cooler skin surface temperatures than normal, which could be related to variation in pork...
Pork Quality
Biochemical Characterization of Pork Quality
September 2, 2003By Matthew Doumit
Sires from Duroc, Berkshire, Yorkshire and Pietrain breeds were used to produce crossbred progeny, free of the HAL-1843TM gene, that exhibit pork quality differences. Loin muscle temperature, color,...
Pork Quality
An Assessment of the Use of Pork in the Processed Meat Industry
June 5, 2003By Dennis Marple
• Processors appreciated the value of pork in their products. • Processors are most interested in fat content and price when purchasing pork for further processing. • Water holding...
Pork Quality
Prevention of Pinking and Off-Odor in Irradiated Pork Loin
April 30, 2003By Dong Uk Ahn
Pork Quality
Novel Approach to Controlling Water-Holding Capacity and pH Decline in Pork: The Role of Dietary Lipoic Acid in Calcium Regulation and Glycogen Storage.
April 4, 2003By Elisabeth Huff- Lonergan
In general, products that had a high level of oxidation had lower ultimate pH values than did products with relatively lower levels of oxidation There appeared to be an interaction between the level...
Pork Quality
Effects of Downers on Pork Quality
April 3, 2003By Floyd K. McKeith
Downer animals tended to produce pork that was dark in color, exhibited a relatively high ultimate pH and low drip loss with no relationship between downer animals and lung score value.
Pork Quality
Comparison of Grain Sources (Barley, White Corn, and Yellow Corn) for Swine Diets and Their Effects on Meat Quality and Production Traits.
April 1, 2003By John Mabry
Efficient pork production is a necessity for an economically viable swine industry. Number two yellow corn is considered the primary energy source for swine diets in the Midwest. Despite the low...
Pork Quality
Interaction of Non-Meat Ingredients in Enhanced Pork Loin Chops
December 4, 2002By Rhonda Miller