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Pork Checkoff Research

Research is at the heart of the National Pork Board’s mission and is funded by your Pork Checkoff dollars. Research is administered in all areas of pork production, processing, and human nutrition to develop a higher quality and more profitable product in the competitive meat protein market.

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Environment - Air
Assessing the impact of swine sulfur intake from drinking water on odor and gaseous emissions and manure nutrients
The impact of a specific input to the pig on the resulting air emissions and manure characteristics was assessed. Specifically, the impact of varying sulfate levels in drinking water on odor and...
Environment - Air
Assessing the impact of swine sulfur intake from drinking water on odor and gaseous emissions and manure nutrients
To assess the impact of inputs to the pig on air quality and manure management, a study was conducted to assess the effect of varying sulfate levels in drinking water on odor and gaseous emissions...
Environment - Air
Partitioning between pit and wall emission streams of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, particulate matter, and odor from deep-pit pig finishing facilities for decision support in selecting emission control technologies
The results of this study show limited benefit to exhausting a portion of air through the pit rather than through the wall for deep-pit pig finishing barns. This conclusion comes from similar indoor...
Environment - Air
Developing a Decision Support Tool to Optimize Swine Production Facility Layout to Minimize Downwind Air Quality Impacts
These model experiments of air flow characteristics suggest that when swine confinement buildings are oriented so that the approaching wind is parallel to the buildings the wind is reduced less than...
Environment - Air
Quantification of gas and odor emissions from swine wean-finish facilities
The most significant change seen in the swine industry has occurred over the last sixty years. We have seen a shift from many farms producing a limited number of pigs to a small number of large...
Environment - Air
Development of a user-friendly database and decision tree for selecting air quality BMPs
Environment - Air
Quantification of gas and odor emissions from swine wean-finish facilities
A total of 960 pigs (equal barrows and gilts) were used in a 2 x 2 factorial, wean to finish experiment to determine the effects of diet (control, CTL vs. low nutrient excretion, LNE) and manure pit...
Environment - Air
Evaluation of Boric Acid and Sodium Tetraborate to Reduce Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions from Swine Facilities
The experimental results of the first year of this study clearly demonstrates that boron, in the form of boric acid and sodium tetraborate (borax) is very effective in inhibiting the emissions of...
Environment - Air
Air Emissions Monitoring Protocol
H2S concentrations measured at the perimeter of nine swine operations across the state indicated that for the sizes of operations investigated with this study, the dominating influence on perimeter...
Environment - Air
A vertical biofilter may be a good option for reducing odor and gas emission when not enough space is available to install a horizontal biofilter. The vertical biofilter is cylindrical with the...
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