Air quality and emission measurement methodology at swine finishing buildings
January 1, 1996
Reliable measurements of air quality and emissions at large livestock buildings with inherently large spatial and temporal variations of pollutant concentrations are relatively difficult and...
Odor measurements from manure storages on Minnesota pig farms
January 1, 1996
Data collected from 30 pig manure stores in Minnesota, USA, shows a wide range of both odour dilution thresholds and hydrogen sulfide concentrations during moderate autumn weather conditions. A...
Environment - Water Usage / Conservation
A method to evaluate appropriate nipple drinker flow rates for pigs
January 1, 1995By Peter A. Phillips
A method was developed for measuring how different water flow rates from nipple drinkers affect the actual rates of water intake and spillage by pigs. A combination of video and electronic techniques...
A Simple Design and Operation for the Anaerobic Treatment of Highly Concentrated Swine Waste in the Tropics
January 1, 1995By P. Y. Yang
In order to develop a simple operation for an anaerobic treatment process for highly concentrated pig wastewater for small producers, a three-stage anaerobic treatment process was investigated. The...
Estimated seepage losses from established swine waste lagoons in the lower coastal plain of North Carolina
January 1, 1995By Rodney L. Huffman
Eleven well-established, swine waste lagoon systems in the lower coastal plain of North Carolina were examined for evidence of seepage losses to the superficial aquifer. The sites were selected to...
Edge-of-field losses of surface-applied animal manure
January 1, 1995
Poultry and swine production are important aspects of Arkansas agricultural economy. As these industries have grown, so have concderns regarding the proper utilization and disposal of the associated...
Simulated and measured effect of rectangular obstructions on carbon dioxide gas dispersion in a scaled swine building
January 1, 1995By S. J. Hoff
Gas dispersion from shallow manure storage pits was experimentally measured and mathematically modeled in a 1:6-scale ventilation chamber. The chamber represents a geometrically scaled model of a...
Modeling the effects of diet formulation on nitrogen and phosphorus excretion in swine waste
January 1, 1995
Two weight classes of growing-finishing swine were fed corn-soybean diets lower in protein and phosphorus to determine the reduction in nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in swine waste when compared to...
Mathematical Modeling of Phosphorus Losses from Land Application of Hog and Cattle Manure
January 1, 1995By R. F. Grant
Mathematical models may provide a means to estimate phosphorus (P) losses from land application of manure. Phosphorus losses typically occur during brief episodes of runoff and erosion. Models must...
Evaluation of nitrogen isotopes as indicators of nitrate contamination sources in an agricultural watershed
January 1, 1995
Determining the relative contributions of nitrate contamination in agricultural watersheds characterized by applications of both mineral and animal waste nitrogen to fields is important in...
Effects of swine lagoon effluent relative to commercial fertilizer applications on warm-season forage nutritive value
January 1, 1995By A. Adeli
Two field experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of comparable rates of swine lagoon effluent and commercial fertilizer at different harvest dates on dry matter yield and nutritive value...
Removal of nitrogen from swine manure wastewaters by ammonia stripping
January 1, 1995
Laboratory-scale experiments were undertaken to investigate aeration and air stripping as methods for removing ammonia from swine waste waters with high nitrogen contents. The effects of temperature,...