Philippines: An Emerging Market for U.S. Pork
The Philippines is a top market for U.S. pork and variety meat exports, and it was the 7th largest destination in 2021.
The Philippines is an important emerging market for U.S. agricultural exports. In 2021, U.S. pork exports to the Philippines totaled 173.4 million pounds, valued at $204.3 million, an increase of 78% by value. From NPB’s Insights to Action research, Pork Checkoff dollars are being invested to strengthen market insights.
Source: USDA
U.S. Pork Exports to the Philippines
The Pork Checkoff realizes the importance of the Philippines market for pork exports and is collaborating with the U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) to increase the U.S. market share of pork and pork variety products across the Philippines. From Insights to Action research, Checkoff dollars are being invested to strengthen market insights.
U.S. pork exports to the Philippines face high tariff rates, but the same tariff rates are also applied to the other top pork suppliers to the Philippine market, the EU and Canada. However, trade from all suppliers boomed following the temporary tariff rate reductions that expired January 2022.
The top five U.S. commodity exports to the Philippines are soybean meal, wheat, dairy products, pork and pork products and poultry.
African Swine Fever Impact
- The Philippines broke with African swine fever in mid-2019 and has since been trying to repopulate commercial hog numbers but remains constrained due to emerging ASF cases and the lack of a vaccine.
- The Filipino government has launched a US$ 586 million program to boost local pork production focusing on repopulation, extending financial assistance to pig farmers and strengthening biosecurity.
- A government-funded restocking program is putting the Philippines on track to produce a domestic surplus of meat from 2023 and forward. The restocking program consists of 3 components: Calibrated Repopulation, Multiplier Farms and Pig Insurance.
- Despite ASF concerns, 2021 imports from the U.S. remain strong through logistical delays and meat labeling disruptions within the Philippines.
Source: USDA, Customs & Border Protection
Filipino Protein Consumption
The Philippines ranks below average in per capita consumption for nearly all forms of animal protein. However, with a median age of 24 and a fast-growing urban population, U.S. agricultural product consumption will continue to rise.
COVID-19’s impact on unemployment will cause consumers to be more price-sensitive, which could result to a shift in the market to include more poultry MDM (mechanically deboned meat) due to the increase in domestic poultry production and poultry imports.
Source: OECD
2020 set a record for U.S. agricultural exports to the Philippines marking a 52% increase over the last decade.
Source: USDA
Pork Merchandising Opportunities
Despite stiff competition, Philippine traders show a strong preference for U.S. pork products. Frozen pork such as picnics and ribs were the most popular cuts from the U.S. to the Philippines in 2019 and are projected to grow.
Source: USDA