This study investigated the effect of protein consumption at breakfast on appetite and cognitive performance. Participants were provided with one of four breakfast treatments: no breakfast, No-pork, high-CHO/low pork protein and low-CHO/high pork protein. Baseline appetite questionnaires and plasma samples were collected and cognitive performance tests were administered at regular intervals for 240 minutes following breakfast. A lunch meal was provided 240 minutes after breakfast, and the amount eaten recorded. Following the lunch meal, participants were allowed to leave the laboratory and food intake was recorded using a food log and hourly appetite questionnaires completed for the rest of the day. Eating breakfast reduced subjective appetite compared to eating no breakfast. While food intake at the lunch meal was lowest after the HP breakfast total daily energy intake was lowest when participants consumed no breakfast. The amount of protein eaten at breakfast has no effect on food intake during the test day. However, plasma glucose levels were lower following the low CHO/high protein breakfast compared to the other breakfast meals. For the cognitive tests, proactive interference in delay memory was sensitive to treatment) with the low CHO/high protein treatment reducing interference. Verbal fluency was sensitive to overall treatment, and reflected a stronger effect of the low CHO/high protein breakfast over time. Verbal fluency was marginally sensitive to the treatment (p = .068), with the two protein treatments leading to continued improvement over time. In conclusion, consuming pork protein at breakfast had no effect on appetite and food intake but provided marginal benefits for cognitive performance.
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