Animal Well-being
Establishing bedding requirements for finisher pigs during transportation and skin surface temperature during different seasons after transportation
April 30, 2012By John McGlone
Producers and packers would like to reduce dead and down market pigs during transportation for economic and welfare reasons. Transport...
Animal Well-being
Practical methods to reduce the pain associated with piglet processing
May 31, 2011By Mhairi Sutherland
Surgical castration is a common management practice performed on male pigs to prevent the occurrence of boar taint and aggressive behaviors. Surgical castration is known to cause biological and...
Animal Well-being
Developing best management practices for on-farm euthanasia of young pigs using carbon dioxide gas
July 14, 2010By Mhairi Sutherland
The use of carbon dioxide has the potential to be a practical method of on-farm euthanasia for young pigs in farrowing as an alternative to blunt force trauma, where the pigs’ small...
Animal Well-being
Methods to reduce the pain associated with castration
November 15, 2009By Mhairi Sutherland
Surgical castration of male piglets is a common management practice carried out on commercial swine farms to prevent aggressive behavior and the occurrence of boar taint. However, the procedure of...
Animal Well-being
Is tail docking necessary and if so, how long should the tail be?
September 30, 2009By John McGlone
Tail docking of piglets is a routine procedure on farms to control tail biting behavior, however docking can cause an acute stress response. The objectives of this research were to 1) determine if...
Animal Well-being
Long distance transport of breeding stock
September 30, 2008By John McGlone
Breeding stock are frequently shipped considerable distance from isolated high-level biosecurity facilities to farms across North America. Little scientific data exists on the reproductive or...
Animal Well-being
Space requirements of weaned pigs during transportation
March 13, 2008By John McGlone
Currently there are no trucking quality assurance recommendations for space allowance of weaned pigs during transport. The objective of this research was to establish a first estimate of the space...
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Validation of Temperature Parameters as CCPs During Pork Fabrication
September 20, 2002By Mindy Brashears
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Competitive Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Meat Products, Phase II
August 13, 2002By Mindy Brashears
Pork Safety - Post-Harvest
Improvement of Retail Case Life and Microbiological Safety of Pork Products in Retail and Service Cases- Phase II
July 28, 2000By Mark F. Miller