Characteristics of aerial dust in swine finishing houses
January 1, 1986
Aerial dust from 11 commercial pig finishing houses, 4 with mechanical and 7 with natural ventilation, was sampled during an 8-month period. Mass concentrations of up to 38 mg/m3 were correlated with...
Soybean oil effects on nursery air quality and pig performance
January 1, 1986
Three nursery trials were conducted to determine effects on room air quality and pig performance of adding 5% soyabean oil to starter diets. Settled dust was reduced 45-47% by adding oil. Total...
Field estimates of ammonia volatilization from swine manure by a simple micrometeorological technique
January 1, 1985
An existing numerical model for particle diffusion into air from ground-based sources was recalculated for circular source plots of 7 m diameter. Results showed that a satisfactory relationship...
Air quality in a swine nursery
January 1, 1985
The effects of ventilation rate on air quality were investigated in 2 experiments, one with reduced ventilation and one with a cold air draught. Carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide,...
Influence of environmental factors on concentrations and inorganic content of aerial dust in swine finishing buildings
January 1, 1985
The total mass concn. of aerial dust particles in 11 pig finishing units averaged 8.1 mg/msuperscript 3 during a 9-month survey and exceeded the 15 mg/msuperscript 3 US Occupational Safety and Health...
Solutions to reduce ammonia levels in swine facilities
January 1, 1985
Six case studies are presented for reducing ammonia levels in pig housing of various designs and construction. The pig building's minimum ventilation rate should maintain a 50-70% relative humidity...
Air quality in farrowing barns
January 1, 1984
Concentrations and production rates of major ambient contaminants (moisture, dust particles, carbon dioxide, ammonia and hydrogen sulphide), were established in 5 farrowing rooms. Comparison between...
Anaerobic filter loading for liquid swine waste [Odor reduction, on the farm waste management system]
January 1, 1983
Anaerobic filters were tested to quantify design and process variables necessary to design an anaerobic filter for treating liquid swine waste. The anaerobic filter operates at 9 hours hydraulic...
Phosphorus removal from swine manure supernatant: precipitant efficiency
January 1, 1983
This study proposes an emergency remedial measure aimed at reducing the eutrophic load of the supernatant of pig manure when discharge in the aquatic environment is unavoidable. Phosphate removal...
Swine lagoon effluent applied to hardwood seedlings
January 1, 1983By R. O. Hegg
This report is a summary of a project to apply swine lagoon effluent onto three hardwood species (yellow-poplar, green ash, and eastern cottonwood) at five application rates (0, 20, 47, 74, and 144 cm/yr).