Animal Well-being
Effect of weaning age and commingling after the nursery phase on humoral and behavioral indicators on humeral and behavioral indicatiors of well-being and on growth performance
November 30, 2003By Charles Maxwell|Jason Apple
Age at weaning impacts growth performance as well as behavioral and immunological responses to management stressors, such as weaning and commingling after the nursery phase. A study conducted at the...
Animal Well-being
Factors affecting the behavior of early-weaned piglets
September 19, 2003By Stephanie Torrey|Tina Widowski
Early weaned piglets often develop belly-nosing and sucking or chewing on the navels or ears of other pigs. This behavior is considered a problem because recipient pigs can develop lesions, and those...
Animal Well-being
Developing Criteria for Timely Euthanasia Decision Making
July 2, 2003By W.E. Morgan Morrow
Animal Well-being
Perceptions among college students about food safety and animal care and ethics in food animal production. Implications for veterinary medicine and the swine industry
January 2, 2001By Lennart Backstrom DVM PhD
Animal Well-being
Comparison of Growth and Immune Status of SEW and Non-SEW Pigs
January 1, 2000By Bill Epperson Ph.D.|Bob Thaler Ph.D.|David Iverson DVM|MS|Roger Walker Ph.D.|Steve Drum DVM|Will Marsh Ph.D.
Animal Well-being
Quantification of Postural Behavior as the Thermal Comfort Indicator for Young Pigs
September 1, 1999By Hongwei Xin