Animal Science
Zone Heating for Wean-to- Finish Facilities: A Peformance Comparison
May 3, 2004By Richard R. Stowell
The University of Nebraska conducted on-farm research trials in 2003 and 2004 to de-termine the impacts of zone-heating options for wean-to-finish operations. Modulated LP gas-fired brooders were...
Animal Science
Economic Impact of PRRS on the Cost of Pork Production
March 5, 2004By James Kliebenstein
This study used a combination of techniques and data sources to arrive at the annual estimated cost of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome on the United States swine industry. By using a...
Animal Science - Reproductive & Growth Physiology
Comparison of Semen Delivery Systems for Commercial Swine Production in Iowa
December 10, 2002By John Mabry
Animal Science - Breeding & Genetics
Litter Size Produced by Gilts Divergently Selected on Reproductive Components
March 12, 2002By Tim Safranski
Animal Science - Breeding & Genetics
The effect of the hydrogen ion concentration evaluation mathematical methodology on genetic prediction and fixed effects estimation when assessing muscle quality in pork
January 22, 2002By Ken Stalder
Animal Science
Development of REal Time Behavior-Based Swine Comfort Controller
July 31, 2000By Hongwei Xin
Animal Science - Reproductive & Growth Physiology
Effect of Prenatal Androgenization on Growth Rate, Feed Efficiency and Carcass Quality of Swine
February 14, 2000By Darrel Kesler
Animal Science - Breeding & Genetics
Litter size produced by gilts divergently selected on reproductive components
December 29, 1999By Tim Safranski
Animal Science - Reproductive & Growth Physiology
Relationships between Seminal Plasma Proteins and Boar Fertility: Devlopment of a Proactive Semen Fertility Test
December 29, 1999By W. L. Flowers
Animal Science - Breeding & Genetics
Litter size produced by gilts divergently selected on reporductive components
November 3, 1999By Jack C.M. Dekkers